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                About us

                珠海市拾月新材料有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售和服务于一体的专业生产增塑剂供应商。工厂占地面积 23000多平方,主营增塑剂产品:DOTP/DPHP/TOTM/DOA/DOS-H/JB-408/SY-810/DINP/SY-911/高分子聚酯增塑剂等等。拥有多年的生产实践经验,同时获得多项国家】级别的发明专利。


                我ㄨ们开拓进取,研发和推广各种高性能特殊环保增塑剂, 使增塑剂产品更加友□ 好环境,性能更加卓越,更加具有●附加价值。


                Zhuhai October New Material Co., Ltd. is a reputable plasticizer producer that combines R&D, manufacturing, sales, and service. We have more than 23,000 square meters of factory floor space, DOTP/DPHP/TOTM/DOA/DOS-H/JB-408/SY-810/DINP/SY-911/polymer, polyester plasticizer, etc. are the major plasticizer products. Several national invention patents were also obtained at the same time as having years of production practice expertise.

                Our corporate strategy is "concentration, professionalism, and focus." We have persevered over the years on the basis of mutual trust and cooperation while continuously adding value for consumers in order to realize the objective of shared growth.

                We continue to innovate, create, and market a wide range of high-performance special environmental protection plasticizers to make plasticizer products more beneficial to the environment, more effective, and more valuable.

                We will strive to diversify our product offerings and offer industry-leading technical services in the future, all the while offering our clients top-notch goods and services.


                Industrial applications
                • 质量保障

                  Quality Assurance
                • 售后跟踪服务

                  After Sales Tracking Service
                • 免费技术指导⊙

                  Free Technical Guidance


                Four Reasons To Choose Us
                • 01

                  实力雄厚 生产力强

                  Strong strength and strong productivity


                  We have a group of professionals and experienced technical teams,
                  and continue to research and develop Better products.

                • 02

                  品质可靠 应用广泛

                  Reliable quality, widely used


                  High efficiency, good stability, low volatility, heat resistance and cold
                  resistance, widely used in various aspects.

                • 03

                  企业精神 服务宗旨

                  Enterprise spirit service tenet


                  Talents oriented, honest business, to provide professional solutions
                  for enterprises.

                • 04

                  完善服务 省心放心

                  Improve the service with ease


                  Complete service, punctual delivery, quick response to customer needs,
                  and ready to solve your problems at any time.



                欢迎您给我们留言 请把问题反馈给我们!

                Copyright ? 2022 珠海市拾月新材料有限公司版权所有 粤ICP备2022150068号
